Center for Psychotherapy & Parent Counseling


This is where self-knowledge becomes power and evolution becomes reality.

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It concerns you

At Healthcure, we understand how difficult it can be to decide to seek psychological and counselling support.

Your concerns are normal.

But we want to show you why this choice can change your life for the better.

Imagine a life where…

…worry no longer dominates your thoughts and decisions.
…you feel calm, focused and in control, even when faced with challenges.
…your physical and emotional health improves as exhaustion no longer affects you.
…your relationships flourish as you deal with them with confidence and emotional intelligence.

At Healthcure Psychotherapy Center, we are dedicated to helping our fellow human beings like you to break free from the realm of worry and reconnect with the joy and well-being that life can offer.

Who we are

Spiros Maganiotis

Psychologist -Psychotherapist


Phoebe Anastasaki




Knowledge, humanity, understanding and simplicity coexist in these people. With an extremely scientific and sensitive approach to my problem, they helped me to deal with it so easily that I will be forever indebted to them.

Kostas Ι.

In a difficult phase of my life, I received a lot of support and essential care from Spiros Maganiotis. He helped me to manage my emotions and find new ways of dealing with my life, discovering who I really am. An inner journey, in which he was my companion, with his knowledge and scientific training, but also with his big heart!

Stela Ν.

I have been doing psychotherapy sessions with Mr. Spiros Maganiotis for the last 6 and a half years. And I continue to do so. Why? Because I trust this person 100% as he is a great psychotherapist. He is totally professional, he has a lot of knowledge, he has a lot of empathy with people, he works with himself constantly and regularly. He is an attentive listener and is very honest and faithful in the therapeutic relationship. He combines all of these qualities with his love and light as a human being and his great will to help others and grow.

Antonia Κ.

Our services

Individual Psychotherapy

Psychotherapy is a process that aims to improve your mental and emotional well-being.

During the sessions, you work with one of our team psychotherapists to discover, understand and address problems, emotional difficulties and behaviours that are negatively affecting your life.

Benefits include:

• Reduction of stress.
• Treatment of depression and other clinical mental disorders.
• Improving relations.
• Increased self-awareness.
• Creating healthy habits.

Psychotherapy helps people to regain balance, face personal challenges and live happier lives by being in tune with themselves and their story.

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Parent counseling

Parent counselling is a process in which parents work with an expert counsellor from our team to address difficulties in their relationship with their children.

During the sessions, topics such as communication, childhood behaviours, psychobiological developmental stages, the challenges of parenthood, and how to cope with various situations are discussed, as well as experiential exercises.

Benefits include:

• Cultivating empathy towards the child but also healthy boundaries.
• Improving communication with children.
• Addressing the challenges of parenting.
• Increase in self-confidence and
• Creating healthy, love-based relationships with children.
• Cultivating mental resilience in children.

Parent counseling, either individually or in groups, helps parents develop effective parenting skills and create a positive and healthy family environment.

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Who we target

For you who seek psychotherapy to find a balance between professional and personal life and face the challenges of modern life.

To you who are seeking psychotherapy to deal with your fears or any psycho-emotional difficulties you are experiencing and want to discover your true self.

Parents who need parent counselling to learn effective parenting and communication practices.

Why Healthcure Psychotherapy Center

Specialised Services

Healthcure offers specialized psychotherapy and counseling services, tailored to the needs of each individual.

Healthcure professionals have extensive experience and verified scientific training to provide effective support.

Self-awareness and Development

Psychotherapy and counselling at Healthcure help to increase self-awareness, mental resilience and growth.

They help you face personal difficulties and discover your strength.

Solving Emotional Problems

Healthcure’s services help in dealing with depression, anxiety, phobias and other emotional problems, offering emotional support and self-management tools.

Strengthening Relationships

Parent counselling helps parents to develop healthy and constructive relationships with their children while psychotherapy improves interpersonal relationships and autonomy in communication.

Better Quality of Life

Healthcure’s services help to improve the quality of life by supporting you to deal with your problems and achieve balance on a personal and professional level.

Book your 15
informative session TODAY

Common questions

1. How does our cooperation start?

Initially, you can book a 15-minute information session by emailing us at with the title “informative session”. 

We then decide on the psychotherapeutic approach/method that will best suit your case and proceed to start face-to-face or online sessions, depending on where you live and your needs.

2. How many sessions will I need?

The number of sessions and the length of time you need to have psychotherapy depends on many factors, such as the nature and extent of the issues you are dealing with, the goals of therapy, and your personal response to therapy.

In general, psychotherapy can be short-term (a few sessions) or long-term (months or even years), depending on the person’s needs and goals.

In general, the psychotherapeutic methods we follow require sessions that last from 3 to 6 years or so.

It is important to discuss your expectations and concerns with us so that we can provide you with a more personalised assessment.

3. How long does it take to see results?

The time needed for results depends on the individual and their problems. Some people see improvement in a few sessions, while others need more time.

4. Is psychotherapy safe?

Yes, psychotherapy is safe as we respect the rhythm and needs of the client and confidential.
Psychotherapists strictly observe the rules of confidentiality and discretion.

5. What are the payment methods?

Usually online sessions are paid through a bank account and in-person and cash or deposit.

6. What days and times are you available?

Contact us directly to ensure your session on the day and time that suits you as there is limited availability daily.

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