Terms of use of services

Useful information about our therapeutic process – therapeutic contract between therapist and patient.

Privacy and confidentiality:

Anything said during our sessions is confidential and private.

The profession of mental health specialists has a code of ethics that prohibits leaking information from incidents.

Also, the request for psychotherapy must be made by the person concerned alone.

Lifting confidentiality is provided for by the Code of Ethics only if the life of the patient or third parties is threatened and following a written request from the judicial authorities.

In case of lifting confidentiality for life protection, the Psychotherapist / Psychologist shares only the absolutely necessary information with the competent authorities after contacting the client.

2.Frequency of sessions:

Once a week, at the same time and day as agreed.

Weekly frequency is necessary, especially in the first period of the therapeutic relationship as it helps to establish the therapeutic relationship and the evolution of the therapy.

It is very important to have formality in the frequency and commitment of that time of that particular day for the most efficient progression of treatment.

3. Cancellation policy:

Appointments are not cancelled, only for a very serious reason.

If it is necessary to cancel a session, you need to inform us at least 48 hours in advance so that we can find another day and time the same or next week to make up for it.

In case of failure to give 48 hours notice, the session will be charged normally.

In the rare case that one of us cancels a session, then we find a common make-up time.

During psychotherapy it sometimes happens that you may feel – without any objective reason – that you do not want to come to a session. It is important that you stick to your commitment to attendance so that we can discuss this issue, it is helpful.

4. Delay policy:

In case you are late to our session, unfortunately no time extension can be granted, so it is important to be there 2-3 minutes before. This also applies to online sessions.

5. Holidays and public holidays:

In case we need to be absent we will inform you as early as possible.

For public holidays, Christmas, Easter and summer holidays you will know well in advance exactly which days the office will be closed.

6. Closure and termination of treatment:

The closure of the treatment is a very important part of the therapeutic process and therefore it is important to know it well in advance in order to give it the necessary time and emphasis.

7. Duration and cost of the session:

The duration of the individual session is 60 minutes and costs 60 euros.

The payment of the sessions for therapists who come in person to the office is made either by prepayment of the whole month at the beginning of each month electronically / cash, or at the end of each session in cash.

For therapists we work with in online sessions, payment is made either at the beginning of each month or an individual payment before each session.

In contact page you can prepay the session directly with a card, along with scheduling your appointment at the desired date and time.

Payment is made to the following accounts:

EUROBANK: GR7702602170000320202938134

PIRAEUS : GR3401720370005037103454165