Phoebe Anastasaki

Ψυχοθεραπεύτρια - Σύμβουλος Ψυχικής Υγείας Αναστασάκη Φοίβη


Psychotherapist with a degree in Philosophy and Pedagogical Psychology from the University of Athens. Graduate of body-centered psychotherapy with psychodynamic basis (Biosynthesis method). Parenting groups, Pregnancy groups and Applied philosophy.

Short CV

I was born and raised in Athens. Since childhood I had strong philosophical concerns and a great interest in everything related to Greek philosophy and language.

I graduated from the Experimental Gymnasium – Highschool Anavryta. Then I studied at the Athens School of Philosophy at the Department of Philosophy, Pedagogy and Psychology (PPS) with a specialization in Psychology.

During all these years I was involved in art (theatre groups, classical ballet, music) and Yoga, trying different types of Yoga for seven years until I did my training in Yoga and meditation (yoga alliance). I also dabbled in some energy therapies and trained in massage and in the field of natural anti-aging.

In 2017 I started studying at the 5-year School of Somatic Psychotherapy with the method of Biosynthesis, a holistic psychotherapeutic approach that treats the individual as a whole (soul, body, energy).

I now practice this psychotherapeutic method in my private office in Larissa and online and I am a member of IFB (International Foundation Biosynthesis) and PESOPS (Panhellenic Association of Somatic Psychotherapists).

At the same time I attend philosophical conferences and coordinate “embodied philosophy” groups which is an experiential fusion of Philosophy and Psychotherapy. The path of learning never stops and so at every opportunity I continue to educate myself by participating in seminars and training programs.

The knowledge of psychology, philosophy, natural medicine and especially fetal psychology and perinatal issues, played a decisive role in the way I experienced my own pregnancies, births and motherhood in general.

This made me even more aware of issues related to motherhood (before and after) as well as educating parents about preparing and welcoming children.

In my daily life I try to exercise, meditate, eat healthy and have sincere relationships, because I believe that all these things contribute to the upward development of man.